Zespołu Nanotechnologii IOE WAT, na łamach czasopisma Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (CiteScore 5.8; Impact Factor 4.098) zaprezentował w dniu 28 kwietnia 2022 roku, wyniki badań reakcji organicznych monorodników z metanolem. Do obserwacji wykorzystano metody spektroskopii Ramana wzmocnionej powierzchniowo (SERS) i samoorganizacji monowarstwy (SAM). Autorami publikacji „Investigation of organic monoradicals reactivity using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy”są Łukasz Gutowski, Malwina Liszewska, Bartosz Bartosewicz, Bogusław Budner, Jan L.Weyher, Bartłomiej J.Jankiewicz.
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Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) and self-assembled monolayer (SAM) approaches were used to investigate the reactions of organic monoradicals with methanol. An attempt was made to generate monoradicals from thiophenols and phenylmethanethiols substituted with bromine, iodine, and nitro groups by irradiation with UV light. Monolayers of radical precursors were deposited on SERS substrates, which were then immersed in methanol and irradiated for 1 and/or 3, 6, 12 and 24 h in a UV photochemical reactor. Pre- and postreaction SERS spectra were obtained by using a confocal Raman microscope and compared with the spectra of expected products of the radical reaction with methanol. Our studies have shown that the efficiency of monoradical generation is highly dependent on the chemical structure of the precursor. In addition, it is shown that both the SERS substrate and experimental conditions used strongly influence the obtained results.

Informację przesłał
Wiesław Piotrowski