Rozdziały w monografiach:
- Jabczynski J. K., Gorajek L., Zendzian W., Kwiatkowski J., Jelinkova H., Sulc J. and Nemec M., rozdział “Actively Q-switched thulium lasers” w Advances in Solid State Lasers Development and Applications, wydaw. InTech (2010), ISBN 978-953-7619-80-0)
Artykuły naukowe
- Jacek Kwiatkowski, Jarosław Sotor, Laser wavelength shift and dual-wavelength generation in continuous-wave operation of Ho:YAG laser pumped by thulium-doped fiber laser, Optics & Laser Technology 146 (2022) 107544,
- K. Jabczyński, P. Gontar, Ł. Gorajek, W. Żendzian, “Simplified sensitivity analysis of coherent beam combining in a tiled aperture architecture,” Applied Optics 2021, 60 (17), 5012- 5019.
- J.K. Jabczyński, P. Gontar „Impact of atmospheric turbulence on coherent beam combining for laser weapon systems” Def. Technol. 2021, 17(4), 1160-1167.
- Gorajek, P. Gontar, J.K. Jabczynski, J. Firak, M. Stefaniak, M. Dabrowski, T. Orzanowski, P. Trzaskawka, T. Sosnowski, K. Firmanty, M. Miczuga, J. Bareła, K. Kopczynski, “Characterization of absorption losses and transient thermal-optic effects in high-power laser system” Photonics 2020, 7, 94.
- Jabczynski, P. Gontar, L. Gorajek, “Wigner transform approach to dynamic-variable partially coherent laser beam characterization” Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 2020, 68(1), 141-146.
- J Jabczyński, P. Gontar „Analysis of caustics of partially coherently combined truncated Gaussian beams” App. Opt. 2020, 59(11), 3340-3346.
- Kwiatkowski, „Power and spectral analyses in diode-pumped c-cut Pbnm Tm:YAP laser”, Chinese Optics Letters, COL 18(9), 091401(2020).
- Gontar, J.K. Jabczynski “Influence of beam shape on piston and tilt error in coherent combined laser array” Opt. Eng. 2019, 58(6), 066103.
- K. Jabczynski, P. Gontar “Effect of beam profile and partial coherence on coherent beam combining performance” Opt Commun. 2019, 442, 40-45.
- K. Jabczyński, M, Kaskow, Ł. F. Gorajek, K. Kopczyński, W. Zendzian „Modeling of the laser beam shape for high-power applications” Opt. Eng. 2018, 57, 046107.
- Kaskow, L. Gorajek, W. Zendzian., J. Jabczynski, “MW peak power KTP-OPO-based „eye-safe” transmitter”, Opto-Electronics Review, 26, (2), 188-193, May 2018.
- J. Kwiatkowski, J.K. Jabczynski, W. Zendzian, L. Gorajek, M. Kaskow, „High repetition rate, Q-switched Ho:YAG laser resonantly pumped by a 20 W linearly polarized Tm: fiber laser”, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1007/s00340-013-5532-0, article in press, 2013.
- Lukasz Gorajek, „Efficient, high peak power Tm:YLF laser”, PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND, VOL. 5(3), 100-102, 2013.
- W. Żendzian, J. K. Jabczyński, M. Kasków, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Kopczyński „250 mJ, self-adaptive, diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG slab laser” Opt. Lett. 2012, 37, 2598-2600.
- J. Kwiatkowski, J.K. Jabczyński, W. Zendzian, J. Swiderski, L. Gorajek, L. Galecki „Resonantly pumped acousto-optically Q-switched hybryd Ho:YAG laser” Laser Phys. Lett. 2011, 8(4), 281-285.
- J.K. Jabczyński, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, M. Kaskow, W. Zendzian, „Optimization of end-pumped, actively Q-switched quasi-III-level lasers” Opt. Express 19 (17), 2011, 15652-15668.
- J. K. Jabczyński, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, W. Zendzian, Z. Librant, H. Węglarz, A. Wajler, „Laser and thermo-optical investigations of Nd:YAG ceramics”, Opt. Spectrosc. 2011, 111, 262-266.
- M. Nemec, H. Jelinkova, J. Sulc, W. Zendzian, J.K. Jabczyński, J. Kwiatkowski, Q-switched Er:YAG lasers resonantly pumped by Erbium fiber laser, Laser Phys. 2010, 20(3), 661-664.
- W. Żendzian, Ł. Gałecki, J.K. Jabczyński, J. Kwiatkowski, Ł. Gorajek, H. Jelinkova, J. Sulc, M. Nemec, Resonantly Pumped, High Peak Power Er:YAG Laser, Laser Phys. 2010, 20(2), 470-473.
- M. Skórczakowski, J. Świderski, W. Pichola, P. Nyga, M. Maciejewska, Ł. Gałecki, J. Kasprzak, S. Gross, A. Heinrich, T. Bragagna, Mid-infrared Q-switched Er:YAG laser for medical applications, Laser Phys. Lett. 2010, 7, 498-504.
- J.K. Jabczyński, Ł. Gorajek, W. Żendzian, J. Kwiatkowski, H. Jelinkova, J. Sulc, M. Nemec; High repetition rate, high peak power, diode pumped Tm:YLF laser; Laser Phys. Lett. 2009, 6(2), 109-112.
- J. Kwiatkowski, Ł. Gorajek, J.K. Jabczyński, W. Żendzian, H. Jelinkova, J. Sulc, M. Nemec, P. Koranda „Resonantly pumped tunable Ho:YAG laser” Laser Phys. Lett. 2009, 6(7), 531-534.
- W. Żendzian, J.K. Jabczyński, J. Kwiatkowski „Intracavity optical parametric oscillator pumped by passively Q-switched Nd:YLF laser” Opto-Electron. Rev. 2009, 17(1), 45-52..
- Z. Librant, J.K. Jabczyński, H. Węglarz, A. Wajler, H. Tomaszewski, T. Łukasiewicz, W. Żendzian, J. Kwiatkowski „Preparation and characterization of transparent Nd:YAGceramics”Opto-Electron. Rev. 2009, 17(1), 72-77.
- M. Franczyk, R. Stępień, D. Pysz, I. Kujawa, R. Buczyński, J.K. Jabczyński „Ytterbium doped phosphate glass photonic crystal fiber laser”, Opto-Electron. Rev. 2009, 17(3), 231-235.
- Ł. Gorajek, J.K. Jabczyński, W. Żendzian, J. Kwiatkowski, H. Jelinkova, J. Sulc, M. Nemec; „High repetition rate, tunable, Q-switched diode pumped Tm:YLF laser”, Opto-Electron. Rev. 2009, 17(4), 309-317.
- Ł. Gorajek, Ł. Gałecki, Tunable, gain switched Ti3+:Al2O3 laser pumped by intracavity frequency doubled Nd3+:YLF laser, Photonics Letters of Poland, 1(3), pp. 136-138, 2009
Opublikowane materiały konferencyjne/ w języku angielskim
- M. Kaskow, W. Zendzian, J. K. Jabczynski, J. Firak, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Kopczynski, „Compact diode-side-pumped Yb:YAG slab laser operating in room temperature,” Proc. SPIE 8902, Electron Technology Conference 2013, 890218 (July 25, 2013)
- Zendzian, W., Jabczynski, J.K., M. Kaskow,., Gorajek, L., Kwiatkowski, J., Kopczynski, K., Firak, J., „Diode side pumped Nd:YAG slab laser with self-adaptive resonator,” Proc. SPIE 8702, Laser Technology 2012: Progress in Lasers, 870208 (January 15, 2013)
- J. Jabczynski, W. Zendzian, M. Kaskow,, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, and K. Kopczynski, „Self-adaptive, closed-loop, diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG slab laser,” in Frontiers in Optics 2012/Laser Science XXVIII, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2012), paper FM4G.5
- J. Jabczynski, W. Zendzian, M. Kaskow,, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Kopczynski, „Diode-pumped Nd:YAG slab laser with self-adaptive, closed-loop resonator,” 5th EPQ-QEOD EUROPHOTON Conference, WeP.18, 26-31 August 2012
- W. Zendzian, J. K. Jabczynski, M. Kaskow,, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Kopczynski, „Self-adaptive, diode-pumped Nd:YAG slab laser with dynamic, holographic, closed-loop resonator,” Proc. SPIE 8697, 18th Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, 86971A (December 18, 2012)
- M. Kaskow,, J. Tarka, L. Gorajek, J. K. Jabczynski, W. Zendzian, J. Kwiatkowski, „Analysis on nonstationary thermo-optical effects occurring in laser mirrors under high heat load,” Proc. SPIE 8697, 18th Czech-Polish-Slovak Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, 86971A (December 18, 2012)
- J. Kwiatkowski, J. K. Jabczynski, W. Zendzian, J. Swiderski, M. Kaskow, L. Gorajek, „A highly efficient resonantly pumped Ho:YAG laser”, Proc. SPIE 8433, Laser Sources and Applications, 84331J (June 1, 2012)
- M. Kaskow,, J. Tarka J. Kwiatkowski, W. Żendzian , Ł. Gorajek, J. K. Jabczyński,., „The investigation of transient thermal effects in optical elements under high laser intensities”, Proc. SPIE 8433, Laser Sources and Applications, 84331V (June 1, 2012)
- J. Kwiatkowski, J. K. Jabczynski, W. Zendzian, J. Swiderski, L. Gorajek, and M. Kaskow,, „Resonantly Pumped Q-switched Ho:YAG Laser,” in Proceedings of the International Quantum Electronics Conference and Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim 2011, (Optical Society of America, 2011), paper C468
- J. K. Jabczynski, L. Gorajek, M. Kaskow,, J. Kwiatkowski, W. Zendzian, K. Kopczynski, „The new optimization method of Q-switched quasi-three-level lasers”, Proc. SPIE 8187, Technologies for Optical Countermeasures VIII, 81870U
- M. Kaskow,, L. Gorajek, J. K. Jabczynski, J. Kwiatkowski, W. Zendzian, „Investigations of thermal effects in Nd:YAG ceramics under high heat load,” Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC), 2011 Conference on and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference , vol., no., pp.1,1, 22-26 May 2011
- J. K. Jabczynski, L. Gorajek, M. Kaskow,, Z. Librant, H. Weglarz, A. Wajler, J. Kwiatkowski, W. Zendzian, „Laser and Thermo-Optical Characterization of Nd:YAG ceramics”, Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO), 2011 Symposium on, vol., no., pp.1,4, 16-18 May 2011
- J. K. Jabczynski, M. Kaskow, L. Gorajek, W. Zendzian, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Kopczynski, „Analysis of thermo-optic effects in Nd:YAG ceramics disk under high heat load”, Proc. SPIE 8080, Diode-Pumped High Energy and High Power Lasers; ELI: Ultrarelativistic Laser-Matter Interactions and Petawatt Photonics; and HiPER: the European Pathway to Laser Energy, 80800M, 2011
- J.K. Jabczynski, L. Gorajek, K. Kopczyński, J. Kwiatkowski, W. Zendzian, H. Fiedorowicz, Z. Librant, H. Weglarz, A. Wajler, Laser Investigations of Nd:YAG ceramics, Laser Optics Conference, LO2010, St. Petersburg, 2010
- K. Jabczynski, L. Gorajek, K. Kopczyński, J. Kwiatkowski, W. Zendzian, Z. Librant, H. Weglarz, A. Wajler, Characterization of thermo-optic effects in end-pumped Nd:YAG ceramic laser, Proc of XVII Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference, Liptovsky Jan, 2010
- L. Gorajek, J. K. Jabczyński, W. Zendzian, J. Kwiatkowski, Modeling and optimization of diode pumped Tm:YLF laser, Proc of XVII Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference, Liptovsky Jan, 2010
- W. Zendzian, Jan K. Jabczynski, L. Galecki, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, H. Jelinkowa, J. Sulc, M. Nemec, The eye-safe Q-switched Er:YAG laser, SPIE Photonics Europe, 12 – 16 April 2010, Brussels, Belgium, paper 7721-39
- J.K. Jabczynski, Z. Librant, L. Gorajek, W. Zendzian, J. Kwiatkowski, H. Weglarz, A. Wajler, Technology and characterization of Nd:YAG ceramics, International Conference „Light at Extreme Intensities” – LEI 2009, Brasov, Romania, 16-21 October 2009
- M. Nemec, W. Zendzian, H. Jelínková, J.K. Jabczynski, J. Šulc, L. Gorajek, and J. Kwiatkowski, Q-switched Er:YAG lasers resonantly pumped by erbium fiber laser, 18th INTERNATIONAL LASER PHYSICS WORKSHOP, (LPHYS’09), Barcelona, Spain, July 13 – 17, 2009
- W. Zendzian, . K. Jabczynski, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Kopczynski, H. Jelinkova, M. Nemec, J. Sulc, The Q-switched Hybrid Er:YAG Laser, 17th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies – ALT09, Antalya, Turkey, 2009
- J. Kwiatkowski, J.K. Jabczynski, W. Zendzian, L. Gorajek, H. Jelinkova, J. Sulc, M. Nemec, P. Koranda, Ho:YAG Tunable Hybrid Laser Pumped by a Tm-Doped Fiber Laser, 17th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies – ALT09, Antalya, Turkey, 2009
- J. K. Jabczynski, L. Gorajek, W. Żendzian, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Kopczynski, H. Jelinkova, M. Nemec, J. Sulc, Actively Q-switched Diode Pumped Tm:YLF Laser, 17th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies – ALT09, Antalya, Turkey, 2009
- J. Kwiatkowski, J.K. Jabczynski, W. Żendzian, Ł. Gorajek, H. Jelinkova, J. Sulc, M. Nemec, P. Koranda, Tunable, hybrid Ho:YAG laser pumped by Tm:fiber laser, Middle Infrared Coherent Sources MICS’2009, Trouville, FRANCE, 2009, Paper PO13
- J. Kwiatkowski, Ł. Gorajek, J.K. Jabczynski, W. Żendzian, H. Jelínková, J. Sulc, M. Nemec, P. Koranda, Tuneable, hybrid Ho:YAG laser, CLEO/Europe-EQEC Conference, ICM Munich, Germany, 2009, Paper CA.P.13TUE
- J. Kwiatkowski, Ł. Gorajek, J.K. Jabczyński, W. Żendzian, H. Jelinkova, J. Sulc, M. Nemec, P. Koranda, Tunable Ho:YAG Laser Pumped by Tm:Fiber Laser, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics International Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO/IQEC 2009, 2009, Paper JTuD4, Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore, Maryland, USA, May 31-June 5