1.M. Felczak, T. Sosnowski, R. Strąkowski, G. Bieszczad, S. Gogler, J. Stępień, B. Więcek, „Electrothermal analysis of a TEC-less IR microbolometer detector including self-heating and thermal drift”, Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal (2023)2. A. Timofiejczuk, S. Rzydzik, J. Holewa-Rataj, E. Kukulska-Zając, M. Kastek, D. Pawelski, S. Brawata, B. Gawełda, „The concept of a system for monitoring the condition of gas transmission pipelines and their surroundings [Koncepcja systemu monitorowania stanu gazociągów przesyłowych i ich otoczenia]”, Nafta – Gaz, 79, 1, pp. 52 – 60 (2023)
1.J. Barela, K. Firmanty, M. Kastek, „Measurement and analysis of the parameters of modern long-range thermal imaging cameras”, Sensors, 21, 17 (2021)2. G. Bieszczad, S. Gogler, J. Świderski, „Review of design and signal processing of polarimetric imaging cameras”, Opto-Electronics Review, 29, 1, pp. 5 – 12 (2021)
3. S. Gogler, G. Bieszczad, J. Swiderski, K. Firmanty, J. Bareła, T. Piątkowski, „Fast and accurate polarimetric calibration of infrared imaging polarimetric sensors”, Applied Optics, 60, 27, pp. 8499 – 8512 (2021) 4. K. Sawicki, G. Bieszczad, Z. Piotrowski, „Stegoframeorder—MAC layer covert network channel for wireless IEEE 802.11 networks”, Sensors, 21, 18 (2021) 5. K. Sawicki, G. Bieszczad, T. Sosnowski, „Thermosteg—covert channel for microbolometer thermographic cameras”, Sensors, 21, 19 (2021)2020
1.S. Gogler, G. Bieszczad, J. Swiderski, „Method of signal processing in a time-division LWIR image polarimetric sensor”, Applied Optics, 59, 24, pp. 7268 – 7278 (2020)2. S. Gogler, G. Bieszczad, J. Swiderski, „Mueller matrix of imaging polarimeter’s optical system–comparison of simulation results obtained using Zemax and MATLAB software with experimental data”, Applied Optics, 59, 25, pp. 7521 – 7529 (2020)
3. P. Gontar, Ł. Gorajek, J. Firak, M. Dąbrowski, P. Trzaskawka, K. Kopczyński, J. K. Jabczyński, „Investigations of transient thermal optics effects in 10-kW fiber laser effector”, Proc. of SPIE 11539, 115390C (2020) 4. L. Gorajek, P. Gontar, J. Jabczynski, J. Firak, M. Stefaniak, M. Dabrowski, T. Orzanowski, P. Trzaskawka, T. Sosnowski, K. Firmanty, M. Miczuga, J. Barela, K. Kopczynski, „Characterization of absorption losses and transient Thermo-optic effects in a High-power laser system”, Photonics, 7, 4, pp. 1 – 11 (2020) 5. A. Ligienza, T. Sosnowski, G. Bieszczad, J. Bareła, „Optoelectronic sensor system for recognition of objects and incidents”, Proc. of SPIE 11442, 114420O (2020)2018
1.F. Gutty, A. Grisard, C. Larat, D. Papillon, M. Schwarz, E. Lallier, H. D. Tholl, F. Münzhuber, J. Kunz, M. Raab, M. Rattunde, S. Hugger, M. Kastek, T. Piatkowski, F. Brygo, C. Awanzino, F. Wilsenack, „100 W-level peak power laser system tunable in the LWIR applied to detection of persistent chemical agents”, Proc. of SPIE 10639, 106392E (2018)2. T. Orzanowski, P. W. Wachulak, „Investigation of CCD camera photo-response nonuniformity with a laser-plasma soft X-ray source”, Proc. of SPIE 10974 (2018)
3. N. Pałka, M. Szustakowski, E. Czerwinska, J. Młynczak, K. Firmanty, M. Walczakowski, M. Kowalski, L. Jodłowski, W. Ciurapinski, A. Grudzien, M. Piszczek, M. Zyczkowski, M. Sobczak, M. Nawrocki, M. Paczków, M. Kraszewski-Cakała, T. Niski, H. Krzeszowski, P. Zycki, K. Popławski, P. Hołowenko, P. Pozniak, S. Pachla, K. Gryciuk, „Mobile border verification of travellers based on fingerprints: Experimental studies”, Proc. of SPIE 10830, 108300G (2018) 4. T. Sosnowski, G. Bieszczad, H. Madura, M. Kastek, „Thermovision system for flying objects detection”, URSI 2018 – Baltic URSI Symposium, pp. 141 – 144 (2018) 5. T. Sosnowski, G. Bieszczad, H. Madura, „Image Processing in Thermal Cameras”, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 106, pp. 35 – 57 (2018) 6. F. Wilsenack, A. Lorenzen, F. Brygo, C. Awanzino, F. Gutty, A. Grisard, C. Larat, D. Papillon, M. Schwarz, E. Lallier, H. D. Tholl, F. Münzhuber, J. Kunz, M. Raab, M. Rattunde, S. Hugger, M. Kastek, T. Piatkowski, „First results of a QCL-OPA based standoff system, for detecting hazardous substances in the IR-fingerprint domain”, Proc. of SPIE 10629 (2018) 7. M. Wrona, M. Szolucha, M. Kastek, K. Firmanty, J. Barela, „CYBERDOG: Monitoring and control system for law enforcement forces K-9 special activities”, Proc. of SPIE 10802, 108020X (2018) 8. M. Zębala, K. Kaczmarska, J. Bogucki, M. Kastek, T. Piątkowski, H. Polakowski, Ł. Przykaza, E. Koźniewska, W. Koszewski, Z. Czernicki, „Intraoperative assessment of cerebral blood flow changes in normal and pathological brain tissue using an infrared camera”, Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal, 15, 2, pp. 240 – 251 (2018)2017
1. J. Barela, M. Kastek, K. Firmanty, M. Krupilski, „Comparison of parameters of modern cooled and uncooled thermal cameras”, Proc. of SPIE 10433 (2017)2. M. Chmiel, M. Kastek, D. Całus, K. Szczepański, „Thermovision and spectroradiometry in stand-off detection of chemical contamination”, Ochrona Srodowiska i Zasobow Naturalnych, 28, 3, pp. 17 – 25 (2017)
3. G. Mey, B. Wiȩcek, C. Hertieer, L. Langenhove, V. Chatziathanassiou, M. Łoniewski, H. Madura, „Oscillatory behaviour of transient thermal problems in microelectronics”, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES 2017, pp. 376 – 378 (2017) 4. M. Krupinski, J. Bareła, K. Chmielewski, M. Kastek, „Verification of the test stand for microbolometer camera in accredited Laboratory”, Proc. of SPIE 10427 (2017) 5. T. Orzanowski, „Modified two-point calibration algorithm for infrared focal plane arrays”, Proc. of SPIE 10433, 104330J (2017) 6. N. Pałka, E. Czerwińska, M. Szustakowski, M. Piszczek, J. Młyńczak, K. Firmanty, M. Walczakowski, M. Kowalski, A. Grudzień, L. Jodłowski, W. Ciurapiński, J. Wróbel, M. Sobczak, M. Nawrocki, P. Hołoweńko, P. Poźniak, S. Pachla, „Verification of people based on facial image and fingerprints – Experimental studies [Weryfikacja osób na podstawie wizerunku twarzy i odcisku palca – Badania eksperymentalne]”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 93, 11, pp. 152 – 157 (2017) 7. H. D. Tholl, F. Münzhuber, J. Kunz, M. Raab, M. Rattunde, S. Hugger, F. Gutty, A. Grisard, C. Larat, D. Papillon, M. Schwarz, E. Lallier, M. Kastek, T. Piatkowski, F. Brygo, C. Awanzino, F. Wilsenack, A. Lorenzen, „Active multispectral reflection fingerprinting of persistent chemical agents”, Proc. of SPIE 10434, 104340C (2017)2016
1. J. Bareła, M. Kastek, K. Firmanty, M. Krupinski, „Analysis of the variation of range parameters of thermal cameras”, Proc. of SPIE 9987 (2016)2. G. Bieszczad, „SoC-FPGA embedded system for real-time thermal image processing”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES 2016, pp. 469 – 473 (2016)
3. M. Kowalski, M. Kastek, „Comparative Studies of Passive Imaging in Terahertz and Mid-Wavelength Infrared Ranges for Object Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 11, 9, pp. 2028 – 2035 (2016) 4. M. Krupilłski, J. Bareła, M. Kastek, K. Chmielewski, „Test stand for determining parameters of microbolometer camera”, Proc. of SPIE 9987 (2016) 5. M. Michalska, W. Brojek, Z. Rybak, P. Sznelewski, M. Mamajek, S. Gogler, J. Swiderski, „Thulium fiber laser for the use in low-invasive endoscopic and robotic surgery of soft biological tissues”, Proc. of SPIE 10159 (2016) 6. T. Orżanowski, „Nonuniformity correction algorithm with efficient pixel offset estimation for infrared focal plane arrays”, SpringerPlus, 5, 1 (2016)2015
1. G. Bieszczad, „Packet based serial link realized in FPGA dedicated for high resolution infrared image transmission”, Proc. of SPIE 9456, 94560I (2015)2. M. Kastek, T. Piątkowski, P. Lagueux, M. Chamberland, M. A. Gagnon, „Passive optoelectronics systems for standoff gas detection: Results of tests”, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 198, pp. 89 – 104 (2015)
3. M. Kowalski, M. Kastek, M. Szustakowski, „Comparison of objects detection capabilities in LWIR and THz ranges”, Proc. of SPIE 9651, 96510H (2015) 4. M. Kowalski, M. Kastek, M. Walczakowski, N. Palka, M. Szustakowski, „Passive imaging of concealed objects in terahertz and long-wavelength infrared”, Applied Optics, 54, 13, pp. 3826 – 3833 (2015) 5. M. Krupiński, G. Bieszczad, S. Gogler, H. Madura, „Non-uniformity correction with temperature influence compensation in microbolometer detector”, Proc. of SPIE 9481 (2015) 6. K. Sawicki, Z. Piotrowski, D. Bachmat, „Effective steganographic filter based on Raspberry Pi 2 architecture”, Proceedings – IEEE Military Communications Conference MILCOM, 2015-December, pp. 67 – 72 (2015)2014
1. P. Baranowski, K. Damaziak, J. Malachowski, L. Mazurkiewicz, H. Polakowski, T. Piatkowski, M. Kastek, „Thermovision in the validation process of numerical simulation of braking”, Metrology and Measurement Systems, 21, 2, pp. 329 – 340 (2014)2. M. Chamberland, P. Lagueux, P. Tremblay, S. Savary, M. -A. Gagnon, M. Kastek, T. Piatkowski, R. Dulski, „Standoff gas detection, identification and quantification with a thermal hyperspectral imager”, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 181, pp. 671 – 682 (2014)
3. R. Dulski, T. Pia̧tkowski, H. Polakowski, „Sectoral thermal emitter for testing of modern IR systems”, Infrared Physics and Technology, 67, pp. 14 – 20 (2014) 4. L. Gorajek, S. Gogler, M. Kasków, M. Piasecki, J. Kwiatkowski, Z. Zawadzki, J. K. Jabczynski, „Design and characterization of beam shapers for end-pumped lasers”, Proc. of SPIE 9441, 94410C (2014) 5. K. Kaczmarska, Z. Czernicki, M. Zębala, M. Kastek, T. Piątkowski, H. Polakowski, „Intraoperative identification of brain tissues affected by the disease [Śródoperacyjna metoda obrazowania w podczerwieni ukrwienia tkanek prawidłowych i patologicznych mózgu]”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 90, 9, pp. 38 – 41 (2014) 6. M. Kastek, M. Kowalski, H. Polakowski, P. Lagueux, M. -A. Gagnon, „Passive signatures concealed objects recorded by multispectral and hyperspectral systems in visible, infrared and terahertz range”, Proc. of SPIE 9082, 90820A (2014) 7. M. Kastek, M. Kowalski, H. Polakowski, T. Sosnowski, N. Pałka, H. Madura, „Analysis possibility of detection hidden object based on hyperspectral and multispectral data [Analiza możliwości wykrycia ukrytych obiektów na podstawie wielowidmowych i hiperspektralnych danych)]”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 90, 9, pp. 42 – 45 (2014) 8. M. Kastek, T. PiÄtkowski, H. Polakowski, J. Barela, K. Firmanty, P. Trzaskawka, G. Vergara, R. Linares, R. Gutierrez, C. Fernandez, M. T. Supervielle, „Technology of uncooled fast polycrystalline PbSe focal plane arrays in systems for muzzle flash detection”, Proc. of SPIE 9074, 90740A (2014) 9. M. Kastek, T. Piatkowski, H. Polakowski, K. Kaczmarska, Z. Czernicki, J. Bogucki, M. Zȩbala, „Intraoperative application of thermal camera for the assessment of during surgical resection or biopsy of human’s brain tumors”, Proc. of SPIE 9105 (2014) 10. M. Kastek, T. Piatkowski, H. Polakowski, K. Kaczmarska, Z. Czernicki, E. Koźniewska, L. Przykaza, „Thermal camera used for the assessment of metabolism and functions of the rat brain”, Proc. of SPIE 9105 (2014) 11. M. Kowalski, M. Kastek, H. Polakowski, N. Palka, M. Piszczek, M. Szustakowski, „Multispectral concealed weapon detection in visible, infrared, and terahertz”, Proc. of SPIE 9102, 91020T (2014) 12. M. Krupiński, G. Bieszczad, T. Sosnowski, H. Madura, S. Gogler, „Non-uniformity correction in microbolometer array with temperature influence compensation”, Metrology and Measurement Systems, 21, 4, pp. 709 – 718 (2014) 13. J. Kubicki, T. Sosnowski, H. Madura, G. Bieszczad, „Luminance measurement test bench for miniature monitor with OLED display [Stanowisko do pomiaru jasności monitora z wyświetlaczem OLED]”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 90, 9, pp. 58 – 61 (2014) 14. H. Madura, T. Sosnowski, G. Bieszczad, „Observation thermovision cameras – construction, application and national implementation capabilities [Termowizyjne kamery obserwacyjne – budowa, Zastosowania i krajowe możliwości realizacji]”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 90, 9, pp. 5 – 8 (2014)2013
1. J. Barela, M. Kastek, K. Firmanty, P. Trzaskawka, „Determining the range parameters of observation thermal cameras on the basis of laboratory measurements”, Proc. of SPIE 8896 (2013)2. G. Bieszczad, S. Gogler, M. Krupiński, „Polarization state imaging in long-wave infrared for object detection”, Proc. of SPIE 8897, 88970R (2013)
3. G. Bieszczad, S. Gogler, T. Sosnowski, M. Krupiński, „Object imaging based on polarization state of far infrared radiation [Zobrazowanie obiektów w zakresie dalekiej podczerwieni z uwzgle{ogonek}dnieniem stanu polaryzacji promieniowania]”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 89, 10, pp. 47 – 49 (2013) 4. G. Bieszczad, M. Krupiński, H. Madura, T. Sosnowski, „Thermal camera for autonomous mobile platforms”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 481, pp. 95 – 114 (2013) 5. R. Dulski, J. Barela, P. Trzaskawka, T. Piatkowski, „Application of infrared uncooled cameras in surveillance systems”, Proc. of SPIE 8896 (2013) 6. V. Farley, M. Kastek, M. Chamberland, T. Piatkowski, P. Lagueux, R. Dulski, P. Trzaskawka, „Multispectral and hyperspectral advanced characterization of soldier’s camouflage equipment”, Proc. of SPIE 8743, 87431P (2013) 7. S. Gogler, G. Bieszczad, M. Krupinski, „Determination of the microbolometric FPA’s responsivity with imaging system’s radiometric considerations”, Proc. of SPIE 8896, 88960Y (2013) 8. S. Gogler, G. Bieszczad, M. Krupiński, A. Zarzycka, „A method of determination of voltage sensitivity of microbolometric focal plane array with optical system radiometric considerations [Metoda wyznaczania czułości napie{ogonek}ciowej detektorów podczerwieni z uwzgle{ogonek}dnieniem właściwości układu optycznego]”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 89, 10, pp. 65 – 68 (2013) 9. S. Gogler, G. Bieszczad, M. Krupiński, „Precision asphere polishing with MRF technology and Subaperture Stitching Interferometry”, Photonics Letters of Poland, 5, 4, pp. 128 – 130 (2013) 10 M. Kastek, R. Dulski, M. Zyczkowski, M. Szustakowski, P. Trzaskawka, W. Ciurapiński, G. Grelowska, I. Gloza, S. Milewski, K. Listewnik, „Multisensor system for the protection of a critical harbour infrastructure”, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 134, pp. 295 – 305 (2013) 11. M. Kastek, H. Madura, T. Sosnowski, „Passive infrared detector for security systems design, algorithm of people detection and field tests result”, International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 3, 1, pp. 10 – 23 (2013) 12. M. Kowalski, M. Kastek, N. Palka, H. Polakowski, M. Szustakowski, M. Piszczek, „Investigations of concealed objects detection in visible, infrared and terahertz ranges”, Photonics Letters of Poland, 5, 4, pp. 167 – 169 (2013) 13. M. Krupiński, J. Barela, K. Firmanty, M. Kastek, „Test stand for non-uniformity correction of microbolometer focal plane arrays used in thermal cameras”, Proc. of SPIE 8896 (2013) 14. P. Lagueux, M. Kastek, M. Chamberland, T. Piatkowski, V. Farley, R. Dulski, P. Trzaskawka, „Multispectral and hyperspectral advanced characterization of soldier’s camouflage equipment”, Proc. of SPIE 8897, 88970D (2013) 15. Z. Piotrowski, K. Sawicki, A. Zelechowski, „E-learning system for assessing the susceptibility of a subscriber to manipulation of identity and voice in telephony [System e-learningowy do oceny podatności abonenta na manipulację tożsamością i wiadomością głosową w telefonii]”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 89, 7, pp. 348 – 351 (2013) 16. M. Szustakowski, M. Zyczkowski, W. Ciurapiński, M. Karol, M. Kastek, R. Stachowiak, P. Markowski, „Passive automatic anti-piracy defense system of ships”, Proc. of SPIE 8901, 89010O (2013) 17. M. Szustakowski, M. Zyczkowski, M. Karol, M. Kastek, R. Dulski, J. Barel, P. Markowski, M. Kowalski, „Ultra long range surveillance camera for critical infrastructure protection research range”, Proc. of SPIE 8901, 89010M (2013) 18. P. Trzaskawka, M. Kastek, M. Zyczkowski, R. Dulski, M. Szustakowski, W. Ciurapiński, J. Barela, „System for critical infrastructure security based on multispectral observation-detection module”, Proc. of SPIE 8896, 88960Z (2013) 19. M. Życzkowski, M. Szustakowski, W. Ciurapiński, M. Kastek, R. Dulski, M. Karol, M. Kowalski, P. Markowski, „Multispectral solutions in surveillance systems: The need for data fusion”, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 134, pp. 285 – 293 (2013)2012
1. M. Krupiński, T. Sosnowski, H. Madura, M. Dabrowski, „Infrared and visible image registration algorithm [Algorytm syntezy obrazu termowizyjnego z obrazem z kamery wideo]”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 88, 11 B, pp. 83 – 86 (2012)2. P. Lagueux, M. -A. Gagnon, M. Kastek, T. Pia̧tkowski, R. Dulski, P. Trzaskawka, „Multispectral and hyperspectral measurements of smoke candles and soldier’s camouflage equipment”, Proc. of SPIE 8542, 85422B (2012)
3. S. Milewski, R. Dulski, M. Kastek, P. Trzaskawka, J. Barela, K. Firmanty, „Modification of infrared signature of naval vessels”, Proc. of SPIE 8355, 83551H (2012) 4. T. Pia̧tkowski, H. Polakowski, M. Kastek, P. Baranowski, K. Damaziak, J. Małachowski, L. Mazurkiewicz, „Thermal measurement of brake pad lining surfaces during the braking process”, Proc. of SPIE 8354, 83540E (2012) 5. K. Rózanowski, Z. Piotrowski, T. Sondej, K. Sawicki, M. Głowacki, „Wireless driver and vehicle surveillance system based on IEEE 802.11 networks”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7266 LNCS, pp. 57 – 67 (2012) 6. K. Rózanowski, T. Sondej, Z. Piotrowski, K. Sawicki, „Architecture of car measurement system for driver monitoring”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 7266 LNCS, pp. 68 – 79 (2012) 7. K. Sawicki, Z. Piotrowski, „The proposal of IEEE 802.11 network access point authentication mechanism using a covert channel”, 2012 19th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON 2012, 2, pp. 656 – 659 (2012) 8. M. Szustakowski, W. Ciurapiński, M. Zyczkowski, J. Wróbel, R. Dulski, P. Markowskia, „Security-orientated plastic optical fiber sensor in modalmetric configuration”, Procedia Engineering, 47, pp. 916 – 923 (2012) 9. A. Zaja̧c, H. Polakowski, T. Piatkowski, M. Kastek, „Measurements of tissue temperatures during semiconductor laser welding process”, 2012 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, SOPO 2012 (2012)2011
1. P. Baranowski, K. Damziak, J. Malachowski, L. Mazurkiewicz, M. Kastek, T. Piatkowski, H. Polakowski, „Experimental and numerical tests of thermo-mechanical processes occurring on brake pad lining surfaces”, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 71, pp. 15 – 24 (2011)2. G. Bieszczad, M. Kastek, „Measurement of thermal behavior of detector array surface with the use of microscopic thermal camera”, Metrology and Measurement Systems, 18, 4, pp. 679 – 690 (2011)
3. G. Bieszczad, T. Sosnowski, H. Madura, M. Kastek, J. Bareła, „Image processing module for high speed thermal camera with cooled detector”, Proc. of SPIE 8012 (2011) 4. G. Bieszczad, T. Sosnowski, H. Madura, „Improved sum-of-squared-differences tracking algorithm for thermal vision systems”, Proc. of SPIE 8193, 81932R (2011) 5. K. Chmielewski, „Multi-vernier time-to-digital converter implemented in a field-programmable gate array”, Measurement Science and Technology, 22, 1 (2011) 6.R. Dulski, M. Kastek, P. Trzaskawka, T. Piatkowski, M. Szustakowski, M. Zyczkowski, „Concept of data processing in multi-sensor system for perimeter protection”, Proc. of SPIE 8019, 80190X (2011) 7. R. Dulski, S. Milewski, M. Kastek, P. Trzaskawka, M. Szustakowski, W. Ciurapiński, M. Zyczkowski, „Detection of small surface vessels in near, medium and far infrared spectral bands”, Proc. of SPIE 8185, 81850U (2011) 8. R. Dulski, T. Sosnowski, H. Polakowski, „A method for modelling IR images of sky and clouds”, Infrared Physics and Technology, 54, 2, pp. 53 – 60 (2011) 9. M. Kastek, R. Dulski, H. Madura, P. Trzaskawka, G. Bieszczad, T. Sosnowski, „Electro-optical system for gunshot detection – Analysis, concept, and performance”, Proc. of SPIE 8193, 81933W (2011) 10. M. Kastek, R. Dulski, T. Piatkowski, H. Madura, J. Barela, H. Polakowski, „Analysis of multi-spectral signatures of the shot”, Proc. of SPIE 8019, 80190V (2011) 11. M. Kastek, R. Dulski, P. Trzaskawka, G. Bieszczad, „Fast uncooled module 32×32 array of polycrystalline PbSe used for muzzle flash detection”, Proc. of SPIE 8019, 80190W (2011) 12. M. Kastek, R. Dulski, P. Trzaskawka, T. Pia̧tkowski, H. Polakowski, „Spectral measurements of muzzle flash with multispectral and hyperspectral sensor”, Proc. of SPIE 8193, 81933Y (2011) 13. M. Kastek, R. Dulski, M. Zyczkowski, M. Szustakowski, W. Ciurapiński, K. Firmanty, N. Pałka, G. Bieszczad, „Multisensor systems for security of critical infrastructures – Concept, data fusion, and experimental results”, Proc. of SPIE 8193, 81933X (2011) 14. M. Kastek, T. Piatkowski, H. Polakowski, „Infrared imaging Fourier-transform spectrometer used for standoff gas detection”, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 147, pp. 161 – 172 (2011) 15. M. Kastek, T. Piatkowski, P. Trzaskawka, „Infrared imaging fourier transform spectrometer as the stand-off gas detection system”, Metrology and Measurement Systems, 18, 4, pp. 607 – 620 (2011) 16. D. Lindgren, D. Bank, L. Carlsson, R. Dulski, Y. Duval, G. Fournier, R. Grasser, H. Habberstad, C. Jacquelard, M. Kastek, R. Otterlei, G. -P. Piau, F. Pierre, I. Renhorn, L. Sjöqvist, O. Steinvall, P. Trzaskawka, „Multisensor configurations for early sniper detection”, Proc. of SPIE 8186, 81860D (2011) 17. S. Milewski, R. Dulski, M. Kastek, P. Trzaskawka, J. Barelab, K. Firmanty, „Coatings masking in near, medium and far – Infrared used for ship camouflage”, Proc. of SPIE 8185, 81850V (2011) 18. T. Piotrowski, V. K. Malyutenko, M. Wȩgrzecki, A. Czerwinski, H. Polakowski, A. M. Tykhonov, „Optimization of parameters for silicon planar source of modulated infrared radiation”, Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 176, 4, pp. 363 – 367 (2011) 19. T. Sosnowski, H. Madura, G. Bieszczad, M. Kastek, K. Chmielewski, „Construction, parameters, and research results of thermal weapon sight”, Proc. of SPIE 8193, 81933S (2011) 20. M. Życzkowski, N. Palka, T. Trzcinski, R. Dulski, M. Kastek, P. Trzaskawka, „Integrated radar-camera security system – Experimental results”, Proc. of SPIE 8021, 80211U (2011) 21. M. Życzkowski, M. Szustakowski, W. Ciurapiński, R. Dulski, M. Kastek, P. Trzaskawka, „Integrated mobile radar-camera system n airport perimeter security”, Proc. of SPIE 8184 (2011)